Pet Care Guide
Introducing your new cat
Bringing in a new cat into the home can be cause for anxiety for other members of your household. Here are a few links to provide tips and tricks to smooth the process for all involved.
Introducing you new cat to children
The Truth About Declawing
Declawing is an often discussed topic with new and old cat owners. Declawing is an amputation of the first digit of each toe. This proceedure is painful for the animal and often has lifelong effects on their health and wellbeing. ROCK cats will not be declawed prior to adoption and we would rather the cat be returned to us than have them declawed.
Avoiding Claw Damage
Many people are concerned about the potential damage a new cat may make to their home. There are many strategies that cut down on potential damage to provide your cat with the tools it needs to satisfy the urge to scratch and still keep your furniture safe. We have included some links to help you in your journey.
Scratching Post Use and Introduction
How to Clip your Cats Nails (Video)
New Cat Supplies You’ll Need
Cats don’t require as much stuff as their two-legged parents, but they still need plenty of gear, from food to toys to items that can make your new pet’s life much more comfy. Here is a list of Items you will need when adding a new feline family member.
Carrier - should be large enough for the cat to turn around in and to transport, close securely and be carried safely.
Break Away Collar - For safety it is important that they have a breakaway feature. A general rule is to allow room for two fingers to fit between the collar and the neck.
Bowls - for food and water. It is a good idea to stay away from plastic, it can cause issues for some cats. ROCK recommends glass or metal bowls.
Food - Your cats foster home can provide the type of food they are eating. It is good practice to gradually change their food to prevent upsetting their system.
Litter Box - This should be compatible with the cat you are choosing, kittens can have trouble with large covered boxes. Extra large cats require larger boxes.
Litter Scoop - Used for cleaning out litter boxes. Metal scoops provide more durability.
Litter - There are many different types of litter. It is best to stick to non-clumping for extremely small kittens.
Scratching Post - Cats need to scratch, and a cat scratching post can help with that urge. Make sure the post has a sturdy base to keep it from tipping over. It should be at least as tall as the cat so she can stand on her hind legs and get a good stretch while she's scratching. Some cats also like to use cardboard scratching posts if you are looking for a more compact option.
Bed - Many cats will happily fall asleep anywhere, but a cat bed will be a favorite napping spot. The bed should be warm and soft, and it should be located in a place that makes your kitty feel comfortable and safe.
Toys - Cats love to play; make sure you provide your cat with a variety of safe toys. Pouncing is a favorite activity of cats, so balls and catnip-filled mice are good options.
Grooming Items - Items such as brushes, nail trimmers. Brushing and combing your cat regularly reduces the amount of fur your vacuum will have to suck up. Regular nail trimming helps save your furniture.
Health Emergency
If your pet is experiencing a health emergency please contact your local vet or 24 hour veterinary service.